How to be an intelligent theaterperson

Terms and phrases 

  • Speculative realism - percieving everything through the human mind but everything exists equally with the human mind

New materialism - becomings (natural/cultural events) producing the world around us 

Object oriented onthology - objects can exist independently of human perception and can themselves be/come alive

Metaphysics - theatre as a threshold for characters/objects/events to come to prescense - becoming more than what the physical eye percieve them as

Recycling as representation - reusing material but rethinking it. Looking at what already exists and rethinking it

Emancipated spectator - Making the audience active and engaged participants - finding their own meanings and solutions to dilemmas/images proposed to them. Making them conront themselves as a collective 

Street Scene 

Philip Schulte 

Artuad - Metaphysics and the Mise en Scene

  • Theater that speaks to the senses instead of the mind 
  • Using language as material - sound of words not words as meaning 
  • Theater with a sense of danger and sense of humour - bringing back the unexpected 


  • Street scene: Demonstrating what you saw, showing just what is necessary for people to form their own opinion. 
  • Clear distinction between you and the characters and between 
  • Simply imitating characters actions to allow conclusions to be drawn from this 
  • Acting as if this happened in real life and you are just demonstrating it - you are you playing hamlet for a certain purpose and you only play what is necessary for this purpose + you can step in and out of the character 

How to be the spectator 

  • Finding a vocabulary that helps you when watching and engaging with performances 
  • What works and what does not and why 
  • As a... I needed more/appreciated/whatever... 
  • Im curious of this and maybe that could have been explored even deeper 
  • What questions/dilemmas did it raise in you 

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